your Support

To succeed in this endeavor with women, we need your support, as well as the support of many:

  • To explain the social and economic model we aim to establish;
  • To be able to rely on the financial contribution of those who understand and align with us in this effort, allowing us to raise funds effectively and ensure the long-term establishment and operation of this model;

Thank you for your support!

Reso Collect NGO-compte UBS CHF

IBAN: CH840029029051498641R
Numéro de compte: 514986.41R
Numéro de clearing: 0290
Numéro de compte postal UBS: 80-2-2

Reso Collect NGO-compte UBS EUR

IBAN: CH360029029051498640L
Numéro de compte: 514986.40L
Numéro de clearing: 0290
Numéro de compte postal UBS: 80-2-2